there’s no business like show business…
i have whole a lot to learn. it’s like an entirely different world, really.
with it’s own language, it’s own way of working, and it’s own rules.
and in other ways it’s just like our world;
the actor must portray real feelings, be highly professional, and enjoyable to work with.
firstly, i would like to clarify – this is going to be a process (as i excitedly, possibly, haphazardly mentioned in my post last week). i am not quitting anything right now, i still have my shop with paper goodies, i am cultivating a web design business -this will help pay for me to go back and forth to LA for auditions, and i will continue to have my blog :) i may phase out of paper, however, it would be in about a year or two from now, and i may not phase out of it, it’s hard to say right now (i love it so much!)
what i know (or think i know) i’m supposed to do in “the biz”:
first get very good headshots from a photographer who knows how to do headshots
(i used the timer on my camera and found some decent shots -shhhh don’t tell mmmkay?!!)
then get an agent. agents are only interested if you have experience or have gone to reputable, known schools for acting -or you’re just incredibly beautiful. i have none of these in my pocket (my experience is minimal) then submit yourself for roles and hope your agent (which i do not have, submits you as well) go on auditions, get parts.
at this point the odds are stacked pretty high against me,
however that’s what dreams are right?
i read this the other night:
“Dreams are why we stay alive. If you leave out your dreams you leave out the very best part of you as a human being.” -Michael Shurtleff
one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, many well thought-out choices along the path to fulfilling the dream. we all have to start somewhere. the key is progress, no matter how small. to do something every day…
so i am working on a demo reel (a video of me acting). so casting directors and agents can see if i am worth their time. i am currently studying Shakespeare and learning Iambic Pentameter. i am reading (devouring) books on acting and the business. i am rehearsing roles and bit parts for proficiency of technique.