between my nikon DSLR and 4 iPhones and 2 little nikons we take a lot of photos in this family. storing them and keeping them organized can be a daunting task, if not full time job! i store my photos on an external hard drive and on CD or DVD. always have a backup right? i had stacks of CDs and DVDs floating around with the month and year handwritten on them and had no idea what events took place other than birthdays and holidays. i get 3-7 years down the road and my memory cannot capacitate those kind of details correctly. i decided to create a cover with not only the month and year, but also those little random events that also took place. and now i’m sharing it with you!
see fonts below to add to your computer to get the same look.
- for the “photos” font i used lobster 1.4
- for the months i used offering regular
- for the description of events i used pica 10 pitch
- for the year i used penelope anne
download these fonts on dafont.
i printed on brown paper grocery bags cut and glued (glue stick) to cardstock.
click here to download the PDF and add your text :)