photo source:
um, i know we’re not supposed to eavesdrop, but this was kind of in my face and unbelievable.
this guy talking on the phone is trying to sell himself as a web designer, he tells the caller that he needs cash now to start the web site and to also get his car out of hock. if the person on the other end of the receiver doesn’t have alarms and warning signals going off at this point… then the “web designer” tells the caller he has photoshop… he has photoshop, yeah… so that means he’s legit, right?!! yikes. i promise you i was trying to stifle my laughter, but it snuck out anyway, i pretended to be laughing at something on my laptop. then he says his price goes up tomorrow, so the caller needs to say yes now or it’s going to be $2000. oh man, seriously?!! i would have never said yes, but the caller said yes. i guess this guy gets to have his car out of “hock” and make a really crappy website for some pretty cash.
everyone is a professional photographer and web designer these days aren’t they. digital age. well, we can all learn the skills. we have easier access, and God knows with the unemployment rate we have the time and really need the money, right? let’s just hone those skills a little before charging an arm and a leg for something we sort of know how to do.
friends beware. go by word of mouth and portfolios. i have never had to sell myself like that, i’ve gotten all my clients word of mouth. that’s the best way isn’t it? word of mouth is worth gold these days :)
by the way i’m a web designer, i have photoshop and i am a wiz at it, however, i prefer illustrator. i love doing websites, not because i need the cash or i have a car in hock, but because i enjoy the creative aspect of building something from nothing. and all my clients have become dear friends because it’s not just business, i am also a people person. i think my clients have wonderful ideas, and i love what they are doing with their businesses. it’s truly a win/win (if you don’t know what i mean by win/win please ask me)