we moved to a new place a few months ago and…
we took out a wet bar and added a closet – mostly because i didn’t have one…
apparently our “master bedroom” used to be a den of sorts…
hence the wet bar.
my husband took the big closet as he is the clothes horse which i really don’t mind :) he always has been, no reason to try and change the man.
so since we were starting with a blank empty space (yay) i picked up rubbermaid’s awesome homefree closet system.
how it works:
- a horizontal top rail screws into studs so your system is strong and sturdy.
- vertical rails hang from the top rail and screw into either studs or drywall anchors where needed.
- the way the system works the rails have to be 22 inches apart – to hold homefree bins, baskets, drawers, and shelves.
what we did:
- we outsmarted the system so i could have 3 sections instead of only 2 since i had 59 inches to work with (22 x 3= i would have needed 66 inches)
- we added rails in the back of the closet and one side wall.
- to do this two upper right rails were moved in a bit short so i could add shelves to the side wall.
- then the lower section was 22 inches apart so i could have my workout wear drawer :) and a couple of shelves.
- i wanted shelves for sweaters, shoes, and jewelry.
- i chose regular doors vs sliding because:
- i wanted to have hooks and storage on the inside of the doors and i can’t stand only having access to one side of my closet at a time!
i think i maximized the space as cleverly as possible and am happy with the large amount of smart storage i gained!
i was not paid by rubbermaid for this post.
these are my 100% honest opinions and i just like sharing great things with you :)